I founded Om & Go, Mini Meditations for Busy People, in 2018 in response to the increasing intolerance and division I observed in the world. Having personally experienced the transformative power of meditation to bring greater peace and reconnect me with my true essence as a being of love, I felt compelled to share this gift with others. I firmly believe that the world transforms one person at a time and that love is exponentially more powerful than fear or hate. Since everything is energy, I strive to ensure that my words and actions resonate with the vibrations of peace, love, and joy. Through my poetry, prose, meditations, and messages, I aim to contribute to making the world a better place.
Om & Go was created to help individuals tap into the infinite intelligence that exists within and around all of us. Acknowledging the complexities and demands of modern life, I designed the meditations to be short yet potent. It only takes a moment, with the intention of finding peace, creativity, or kindness, to drop into stillness and shift our energy.
I spent nine years working for a Unity church in Austin, including seven years as an affirmative prayer chaplain, where I offered countless meditations from the platform. Over the past several years, I have also had the honor of delivering messages throughout the greater Austin area. My driving force is a desire to remind myself and others of our innate wholeness and oneness and to see beyond the limitations of the ego mind.
One of my favorite quotes is by Unity Minister Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett: “We are 100% Human and 100% Divine.” This truth helps me offer grace to myself and others when our humanness falls short of the ideals we hold. Like many, I grapple with imposter syndrome, workaholic tendencies, and other human struggles. I watch too much TV, eat too many sweets, and worry about aging. I’m ordinary. But I’m also Divine. We all are. Meditation, self-reflection, walks in nature, and being surrounded by spiritually-minded friends help me embrace my human self while fostering a deep connection with my Divine Self.
I love spending time with my incredible wife, Joni Lorraine, our sweet old dog, Sam, and our friends. I enjoy reading fiction, meditating (of course), and being in nature.