Connect to the Infinite
Love of the Universe
and Let it Transform You.
Finding Peace in the Midst of a Busy Life.
I could have just as easily called this website “the Reluctant Meditator,” but that would be a disservice to the power of meditation to transform our lives. I am a recovering workaholic and a perpetual doer who has found deep peace through conscious connection with stillness.
Om & Go, Mini Meditations for Busy People is a way of striking a balance between the busy-ness of life and the awe and wonder of it. I believe we can live from a place of harmony and peace, even in the midst of an active, vibrant life. It only takes a few minutes every day.
This is the power of meditation. To anchor us into the present moment. To bring us beyond our stories of life so that we are actively living. This is why I am an optimistic meditator. Join me on the adventure.
Check out my guided meditation podcast.

We are not meant to be human doings. We are so much more than that. It’s time to allow our magnificence to shine, collectively and as individuals.

Om & Go Guided Meditation Podcast
Mini Meditations for Busy People
Combining the power of meditation with positive, spiritually-uplifting messages, Om and Go helps you calm your mind, reduce anxiety and tap into your greater potential through short, guided meditations designed to get you centered and calm quickly.
Accessing the Creative Field of Infinite Ideas Guided Meditation
Tap into your oneness with life and let is renew you.
Become a Member Today
Enjoy early access, bonus meditaitons, and more.I’m excited about offering a membership platform to my fellow meditators and am committed to providing value. In addition to having access to my library of meditations (over 125) without the annoying intros and outros, you’ll also receive:
- Early access to new meditations,
- One exclusive meditation each month for members only, and
- Polls where you can help shape future meditation topics