Mini Meditations for Busy People


Positive. Centering. Inspiring.  

Combining the power of meditation with positive, spiritually-uplifting messages, Om and Go helps you calm your mind, reduce anxiety and tap into your greater potential through short, guided meditations designed to get you centered and calm quickly. In these brief guided meditations, you’ll find a deeply spiritual undercurrent where I focus on our essential nature as Love. I use a variety of terms to describe that which is indescribable: God, Loving Intelligence, Source. My intention is that we all experience a little more peace in our lives. All paths are welcome.

A New Year’s Intention Guided Meditation

A new year is the perfect time to re-connect to your soul’s calling, although this heart-centered guided meditation can be used at any time. Tune into your greatest yet to be and bring this version of you into greater expression.

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Embodiment Body Scan Guided Meditation

Today’s guided meditation is all about coming home to our bodies through a simple body scan; bringing breath, love and light into every inch of our being. So much of our time is spent in our heads or out in the world, give yourself a few minutes to anchor back into the miraculous body that carries you through the world. Namaste.

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Forgiveness Guided Meditation

Today’s guided meditation is all about forgiveness and offers the opportunity to see someone in a new light. We do this through the power of our heart to radiate love…our natural state of being. It’s a gentle meditation and I hope you find it valuable. 

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This Precious Human Experience – Guided Meditation

Imagine spending your day tethered to a deep appreciation of life and the human experience of it. Today’s guided meditation is designed to help you do just that. 

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Sound as a Gateway Guided Meditation

Often we resist the sounds around us and see them as distractions to the present moment. What if, instead, we used them as gateways into the Stillness out of which all life arises. Today’s guided meditation invites you to enter into a new relationship with sound. Enjoy.

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Dropping Your Thoughts into Love Guided Meditation

Today’s guided meditation is all about dropping into the space of Love that is deep within us and is our true nature. This Love is bigger than our human experience of love and is the unifying, harmonizing essence of the Universe. This meditation was inspired by a book I am reading called Love is a Fire by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, which is about the Sufi’s mystical journey of love. I hope you enjoy it.

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Gratitude Guided Meditation

Today’s guided meditation is all about gratitude. As we move into the busy holiday season, center yourself in a state of joy and gratitude. Enjoy and happy holidays!

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Heart Centering Guided Meditation – Chamber of Love

In today’s guided meditation, you will be calling to mind someone or something that you deeply love and allow that to bring you into a state of pure loving kindness for all life. Meditation by Tammy Lorraine. Music by Rebecca Reads Recording.

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Accessing the Creative Field of Infinite Ideas Guided Meditation

In today’s guided meditation, we connect with our innate creativity through the power of visualization and imagination. Meditation by Tammy Lorraine. Music by Rebecca Reads Recording.

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In the Gap Guided Meditation Episode

In today’s guided meditation, we explore the gap between our inhale and exhale as a way of dropping into the quiet, still center of our being and creating more calm in our lives. Meditation by Tammy Lorraine. Music by Rebecca Reads Recording.

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