Mini Meditations for Busy People


Positive. Centering. Inspiring.  

Combining the power of meditation with positive, spiritually-uplifting messages, Om and Go helps you calm your mind, reduce anxiety and tap into your greater potential through short, guided meditations designed to get you centered and calm quickly. In these brief guided meditations, you’ll find a deeply spiritual undercurrent where I focus on our essential nature as Love. I use a variety of terms to describe that which is indescribable: God, Loving Intelligence, Source. My intention is that we all experience a little more peace in our lives. All paths are welcome.

Dissolving into Allness Guided Meditation

Allow this gentle guided meditation to take you into the field of infinite possibilities, as you let go you of your limited sense of self and expand into infinite unbounded being. Supported by delta wave background music.

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Heart Opening Guided Meditation

This gentle meditation, supported by Theta wave music, invites in greater harmony and creates the space for activating your sacred heart space for greater love, compassion and kindness.

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Putting Out Fires Guided Meditation

This special meditation was designed to focus healing energy on the West Coast of the US but can be used for any area that needs special focus. In it, we invite in the support of higher dimensions of being, our angels, ascended masters, and guides to assist us in radiating healing love and calming waters; to be a healing presence and a channel of support. Theta wave music is used in the background for an extra boost.

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The Song of Now Guided Meditation

How might the emotions and energies of this moment move if they were given a voice as the song of now? This gentle meditation will help you hear the music of your current life experiences without any unnecessary story or judgment. You are invited to listen with love to what this moment in time is trying to tell you and let it move through you with kindness and compassion.

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Staying in the Now Guided Meditation

This short guided meditation is a portal back into the present moment where we remember that we are not our thoughts, where we find our access point to the Divine as Love, and where we bring our hearts and minds back into balance.

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Interconnected Threads of Light Guided Meditation

In this guided meditation, supported by theta waves, you are connected to your essence as love and light and the interconnected nature of life. As a thread in the great ball of light that is the human family, your light makes a difference. And all light is an emanation from the one Source that is Love.

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Self-Forgiveness Guided Meditation

Allow this guided meditation to support you in releasing self-judgments as you open to loving-kindness and self-love. Claim the freedom that comes from self-forgiveness.

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Filling Up From Source

This short, guided meditation is perfect for any time you are needing to fill renewed and enlivened by Source. Draw from the limitless well of Love that is all around you like a fountain pen drawing forth ink.

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The Garden of Wholeness Guided Meditation

Step into the garden of wholeness with me in this gentle guided meditation. Allow the power of your imagination to take you into a lush garden of your own design, to prune what doesn’t belong to you and to cultivate that which your heart desires.

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Playful Curiosity Guided Meditation

Allow this gentle guided meditation to take you on a playful journey of curiosity as you ride the rhythm of your breath. Supported by theta waves, this short mini-meditation is a nice reset for body, mind and spirit.

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