Mini Meditations for Busy People


Positive. Centering. Inspiring.  

Combining the power of meditation with positive, spiritually-uplifting messages, Om and Go helps you calm your mind, reduce anxiety and tap into your greater potential through short, guided meditations designed to get you centered and calm quickly. In these brief guided meditations, you’ll find a deeply spiritual undercurrent where I focus on our essential nature as Love. I use a variety of terms to describe that which is indescribable: God, Loving Intelligence, Source. My intention is that we all experience a little more peace in our lives. All paths are welcome.

Energy Cleansing Guided Meditation

This guided meditation is for cleansing your energy and thus releasing any negative energies that you may be carrying with you.

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Cultivating Joy Guided Meditation

The capacity for joy exists in every moment because it resides within. You bring the state of happiness, joy and well-being with you. In this guided meditation, we call forth the joy within. The more that we do this, the more our joy set-point rises. Joy becomes our natural state of being.

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Gentle Peace Guided Meditation

Relax and melt into a state of bliss as this gentle guided meditation takes you deeper into your true state of being as peace itself.

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Balancing Your Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is one of the primary energy centers within our body and governs our sense of authentic self-expression, confidence, and communication. It is a bridge between the mind and the heart. The intention of this guided meditation is to help balance this important chakra so that you may own and speak your voice from a place of love and courage. It utilizes color therapy and affirmations.

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Communing with Stillness of Being Guided Meditation

This guided meditation is a gentle, loving invitation into the stillness of your being; an opening into the opportunities that are always available to return home to the peace of life unfolding as you.

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Your Ideal Day Guided Meditation

This simple guided meditation supports you in visualizing your ideal day. The mind doesn’t know the difference between what is actually happening and that which you are rehearsing, visualizing and imagining. While in the meditation, your mind and body are actually living that ideal day. The added bonus is that the more you focus on what you want, the more you draw it to you. Live it now in your meditation AND live it in the future as you bring it into being.

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Letting Love In Guided Meditation

In this guided meditation, you are invited to align with the drumbeat of the universe — a rhythmic heartbeat of love. Beneath all of our stories of separation is the unifying drive of the universe for wholeness, love and connection. Align and open to this love as you relax and let go. The meditation is supported by delta wave music to help you go deep into relaxation.

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Intention and Attention Guided Meditation

Meditation is about directing our intention and attention away from the world of ever-changing, impermanence to that which is changeless. Deeply connected with this changeless nature of the Divine, we find peace and harmony. This guided meditation features theta music that is tuned to the Schumann frequency. Enjoy.

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Surrendering to the Flow of Life Guided Meditation

Just outside the house of our limitations is the gentle river of Spirit. When we allow this flowing, spacious, intelligence to guide us, our life unfolds with effortless ease. This meditation guides you gently through the process of surrendering to this intelligent love. Relax and enjoy the meandering flow of life unfolding as you.

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Listening from the Heart Guided Meditation

This guided meditation was inspired by the book What’s in the Way is the Way by Mary O’Malley. After some heart-opening breathing, you are invited to connect with something in your life that has been a bit of a challenge and to deeply listen to your bodies wisdom around that situation, without trying to change it. As we connect with curiosity and love, deep wisdom is revealed.

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